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Metropolis: The Musical

Elsinore Theatre

August 10th & 11th

Elsinore Theatre

August 10th & 11th

Metropolis: The Musical

The Musical

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Are you a dancer and want to get on stage? There are only a few chorus parts left and we would love to have you audition. No prior experience required.

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     One of the first cinematic depictions

of Artificial Intelligence was brought to theaters in 1927, in Fritz Lang's Metropolis. It "imagines a future cleaved in two, where the affluent from lofty skyscrapers rule over a subterranean castle of laborers," writes Synapse Analitics' Omar Abo Mosallam. "The class tension is so palpable that the invention of a maschinenmensch (a robot capable of work) upends the social order." The tirelessness of the machinenmensch sows havoc in the city whenit later dawns the form of a young woman named Maria. It "incites workers to rise up and destroy the machines that keep the city functioning." An unraveling of the social order.

Originally an influential German science-fiction silent film, we are presently excited to bring to you a newly envisioned telling of Metropolis, inspired by Gorgio Moroder's 1986 remake where he features his production of an upbeat techno soundtrack.


Making the Machine

Behind the scenes journey with 3D Printing. We started with small figurines and have been working our way to the final human-sized robot.


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